Monday, December 30, 2019

A Pickpocket s Tale Of New York - 1113 Words

A Pickpocket’s Tale gives an extraordinarily different view into New York’s underworld of the nineteenth century. The underworld of New York in the nineteenth century has usually been a topic described by clichà ©d explicit narratives of merciless urban gangsters and scary underworld stereotypes. Through his biography, A Pickpocket’s Tale, of New York’s nineteenth century underworld criminal George Appo, Timothy Gilfoyle transforms this unoriginal genre into something quite interesting. Gilfoyle provides his audience with an abundance of insight and a compound analysis of an actual human being of the nineteenth century. Gilfoyle uses Appo’s autobiography that he wrote before dying to bring forth a fully understood portrait of a skillful†¦show more content†¦The immigrants acquired Tuberculosis and many other deathly diseases. They did not have access to adequate medical care, adequate food, or good shelter. Wealth only spread amongst the r ich while the poor continued to stay poor. Although these immigrants had come to New York in hopes of having a better life, most of them were better off living in their home towns. The population of New York kept growing but there was nothing there for the people that guaranteed them or their children a better life than they had in their homelands. In essence, poverty often breeds crime. Desperate poor people would often resort to theft or violence to put food on the family table when the factory wages were not enough to keep the family running. Young children who dreaded a life of monotonous factory work sometimes roamed the streets by joining gangs. Evils such as gambling, prostitution, and alcoholism were widespread. Gambling triggered the hope of getting rich quickly. Prostitution provided additional income. Alcoholism provided a temporary escape. City police forces were often understaffed so the rich could easily buy themselves justice. This background of New York’s nine teenth century life provides a backbone to Appo’s story. As Gilfoyle analyzes, George Appo was born in 1856. Appo was the son of an Irish mother and a Chinese father in New York City. The readers are informed that nineteenth century New York was going through a downfall. New York was socially and economically

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis of the film Double Indemnity - 2728 Words

Double Indemnity (dir. Billy Wilder 1944) is a film about an insurance sales man Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray) that falls for a highly sexual, scandalous woman, Phyllis Dietrichson (Barbara Stanwyck) who attempts to kill her husband. Even though Walter dismisses Phyllis attempt to purchase life insurance policy for her husband; he is unable to stay away from Phyllis for long. In the time they spend together, Walter and Phyllis try to hatch a fool-proof plan to get rid of her husband and get a double indemnity from the insurance company. Walter Neff boss Barton Keyes (Edward G. Robinson) is a man of skill and knowledge, and has been working in the same job for twenty-six years, and has always been able to tell who is a cheater and who is an†¦show more content†¦The article also touches base with other critics and discusses the rise of criticism for noir film. The article also calls for a attention to the movement, that instead of having fixed gender roles in other film noir fi lms, that change may occur and that with change a new type of noir may emerge. In the article â€Å"Towards a Definition of Film Noir† by Raymond Borde and Etienne Chaumeton tries to define what a film noir is and considers the element involved. As Borde and Chaumeton argue in article, â€Å"one could simplify the problem by assigning to film noir qualities such as nightmarish, weird, erotic, ambivalent, and cruel. . . often the noir aspect of a film is linked to a character, a scene, a setting † (18). The problem of trying to define film noir is a difficult one, but the aspect of it can be applied to Double Indemnity. These aspects are seen in the film when Phyllis is hiding behind the door in the scene where for this purpose will be call Woman Hides behind the Door. The shot captures all three of the characters, and produces an almost nightmarish, weird and ambivalent shot, where both Walter and Barton are being wanted and they are not aware of who is watching them. The woman is seen in this shot as having all the power, and is cast in a key-lig ht to show sharp shadows on her, to produce almost a black widow image by hiding in dark waiting for her prey. To start, the noir film Double Indemnity female character is Phyllis, who isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Double Indemnity1052 Words   |  5 PagesDouble Indemnity is a film noir directed by Billy Wilder in 1944, and it was based on the novel of the same name â€Å"Double Indemnity† which was published in 1943. This film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, but it did not win any prize. Double Indemnity is a story about the crime of Phyllis and Neff. Phyllis plans to kill her husband to receive the claim of an accident insurance and Neff set up a scheme to get twice the amount of a clause. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Yahoo Strategic Management Report Free Essays

string(33) " as well as targeted placements\." Yahoo! : Business on Internet Time Group 2: Aaron Duke Alejandro Reynoso Erin Moon Sophia Benevento February 21, 2012 Dr. Jay Lee GM 105 California State University, Sacramento Executive Summary Yahoo started out as a hobby between two Stanford students, Jerry Yang and David Filo, and turned from a simple website with categorized information to a powerful navigational tool for millions of users. It generated millions in revenue and helped shape the way the modern-day internet is used, both in terms of streaming information and streaming revenue. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo Strategic Management Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now The U. S. military first used the internet in the 1960s as a way of safeguarding against centralized information. Decades later, it was used as a tool to help researchers share informaiton. In the 1990s, HTML language was created to help read documents easier. Within a few years, browsers, portals, and internet service providers (ISPs), along with the low price and easy access to computers had connected the world and the internet was born. As Yang and Filo created a way to monetize the traffic created by the popular Yahoo portal, the attractiveness of the Yahoo model helped propel the global reach of the internet, and brought about intense competition, new tools, new models of monetization, and the need for new strategy. When using Porters five forces model to analyze the portal industry’s attractiveness, it is clear that attractiveness is low. The bargaining power of suppliers is high, bargaining power of the buyers is low, threat of new entrants is high, start-up costs cause high barriers to entry, alternative edia allow the threat of substitutes to be high, and the potential for revenue has saturated the industry with competitors. This competitive environment rapidly changed since Yahoo was first created. There was virtually no competition and it was able to quickly secure large market segments. Using a strategy of simplicity, independence and strategic partnerships, Yahoo created a user-friendly point-of-ent ry for consumers to find information on the internet while making millions of dollars. Yahoo led the portal industry from 1994 to 1998, during which its market capitalization grew to $30 billion. In 1999, the industry began to change further as mergers and acquisitions consolidated power. Media companies, ISPs, browser companies and content providers were merging and acquiring each other in a flurry of moves in order to retain competitive advantage. The strategy of independence that brought Yahoo success needed to be reevaluated. In an environment with such volatile and intense competition, what strategy should Yahoo implement? As leader of the internet portal industry, Yahoo’s position, both in terms of its external environment and internal resources and capabilities, should be exploited in order to bring about above-average returns. Both the Industrial Organization (I/O) and Resource-Based models of above-average returns can be utilized. It shows Yahoo to be in a favorable position and the tools needed to effectively create new partnerships that will secure market share and long term profitability. Further, A SWOT analysis shows that Yahoo has strong brand image and opportunities for strategic partnerships, even though as first-mover in the industry, it lacked a long-term strategy and is threatened by intense competition. The story of Yahoo shows that a company’s strategy must always be evaluated for effectiveness in terms of its current external environment and its internal resources and capabilities. While effective strategy early on may bring about a favorable position in the industry, competitive forces will cause a company to seek out new strategies, new partnerships and new models in order to remain competitive and profitable. Background Jerry Yang and David Filo created the portal Yahoo in April of 1994. It was originally used as a hobby to track web addresses sent to them by friends. They were students at Stanford, but they gave up their education to focus on running Yahoo. Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web was created by Yang and Filo as a guide to navigate though the web. These web sites were sorted into a database and thousands of users began to use their service. Yahoo officially became a business on March 5, 1995. They hired Tim Koogle as CEO, as well as a staff of six people which eventually grew. Yahoo’s operations had three separate departments: property development, marketing and sales, and international. Property development focused on production and engineering. Marketing and sales handled corporate marketing, business development, and sales. They also had customized Yahoo pages in 18 countries, which was run by their International departments. Yahoo was located in Silicon Valley, and they offered five main services (properties) to consumers such as navigation, community, personalization, e-commerce, and international. Navigation allowed consumers to find information. Community offered an address book, email, chat, and message boards for consumers. Personalization allowed users to personalize their web pages and e-commerce offered shopping and other online sales. International properties were designed for those in different countries and had each country’s language and local content. By 1998, Yahoo had an estimated 100 million connected consumers, 167 million page views per day, and a market value of $30 billion. By 1998, they had an increased revenue for 1. 5 years. Industry Evolution The Internet was first used in the U. S. Military for defense in 1960. In 1986, the National Science Foundation used it for transferring research files and exchanging electronic mail. In 1991, Hyper text markup language (HTML) was created by Tim Berners Lee. This language allowed documents to link to one another through a host computer, and people could view graphics, audio and text. In 1994, the first internet browser was created. This allowed people to view web documents easily. Navigation sites, called â€Å"portals,† soon followed. Portals had two types of consumers: non-paying users and paying companies that wanted to advertise. Portal companies typically made revenue through advertising, and they often paid for information that would be exclusive to their site, such as news and sports. Click-thrus and referral fees made up a majority of their revenues from consumers, as well as targeted placements. You read "Yahoo Strategic Management Report" in category "Essay examples" During the 1990s, personal computers began to sell quickly for home use. Computers were sold with modems, software, a browser, and a way to access the internet. The two browsers that were commonly used were Netscape and MSN. Portals could be chosen by the consumer, but they often came included on the computers. Consumers also chose portals based on habit, quality of information, and brand. Access to the internet was usually done through the phone company, and later high-speed broadband was offered through cable providers. Internet usage began to increase at a fast pace and soon there were millions of people using the internet daily in many countries around the world. Industry Attractiveness Using Porter’s five forces model, we conclude that the bargaining power of the content providers varied depending on the relevance of the information. The bargaining power of suppliers of unique information, such as popular real-time news or sports, was high. Some of the portals paid companies a monthly rate up to $50,000 for information. However, that bargaining power of other suppliers of information such as specialized content, which was less crucial to the portal, is moderately high. This could range between $2,500 to $20,000 per month. Nevertheless, some of the smaller content providers would receive free placement in exchange for their information. Overall, the bargaining suppliers of the most important information is very high. Technology and labor were also suppliers. The threat of new entrants to the industry is high. However, the capital requirements in order for a new entrant to compete is also very high. During the first few years after Yahoo was launched, many other entrants decided to enter the market. There would be even more entrants in the next few years. Yet, most of the companies that compete against Yahoo are not making money, they are actually losing money. There are many substitutes in the industry that users may prefer to use instead of a portal. Portals considered themselves to be media companies and not just a search engine. Some of the substitutes of portals are television, newspapers, movies, magazines, and even other non-portal websites. In addition, the bargaining power of major paying customers, those who want to advertise on the portals, is very high. In spite of this, the bargaining power of small paying customers is moderate. The smallest orders of advertisement were $1000. But all of the deals where typically negotiated. Moreover, the competitive rivalry is very intense. The only two portals who were making money in 1998 are Yahoo and AOL. However, AOL was not only a portal, it also provided internet access, which provided the majority of their income. Yahoo was the only portal that was not also an ISP and was still profitable. In summary, the overall attractiveness to enter the industry is very low. The industry is saturated with many different types of competitors, and the start up cost for a new entrant is extremely high. Performance and Strategy When Yahoo invented the first internet â€Å"portal,† it also created the internet portal industry There was virtually no competition and it was able to quickly secure large market segments. It had the â€Å"blue ocean† at its feet as it created new demand in an uncontested market. Yahoo saw the value of creating a user-friendly Internet portal before anyone else. By moving quickly and efficiently, Yahoo was able to negotiate, and frequently dictate, pricing with partners which led to large amounts of revenue. Yahoo’s performance has been very effective, resulting in positive revenue gains leading to profitability in 1998. Yahoo chose a strategy based on forming strategic partnerships that simply added value to the company. They decidedly chose not to merge with other companies in order to retain full control of operations. This way, Yahoo executives were able to take full advantage of both its position and revenue streams and reinvest into the company. This would create value-adding â€Å"properties† and services and thus stay ahead of the competition. The strategy that Yahoo implemented proved very successful. This strategy was one of simplicity and independence compared with their other competitors. They had a maintained a business plan that was developed in 1995 and a one-year operating plan that showed their financial goals and top priorities. They did not have a detailed marketing plan. The employees worked in close quarters, although the structure of the firm was hierarchal. Employees worked in cubicles to save costs. Yahoo was the only portal, aside from AOL, to post profits in 1998. AOL’s profits were significantly larger than Yahoo’s due to the fact that they generated large amounts of revenue as an Internet service provider (ISP). By selling access to the internet, AOL gained revenue from both Internet use and access, while Yahoo generated revenue only from internet advertising. In 1998, it seemed that Yahoo was trending toward losing market share to AOL because would have been wise to invest money into becoming an ISP, however as we have seen, the dominant ISPs have become companies like ATT and MCI, companies that control the means of communication, namely the phone lines and satellites. Yahoo has kept their basic strategy. Yahoo possesses in-house expertise in engineering. All in all, their strategy has been very successful until 1999. Mergers Acquisitions of Competitors There were many mergers and acquisitions in the portal industry during 1998 and January 1999. Media sites such as Disney and NBC were partnering with portals such as Infoseek and Snap to gain a competitive advantage and market share. Internet service providers were also acquiring portals with the hopes of gaining more consumers and increasing their profits. For example, the service provider @Home acquired Yahoo’s main competitor Excite, while AOL acquired the very popular Netscape. The internet and portal industry was new for the public in the 1990s. Although there were billions of dollars being spent in e-commerce and by advertisers, the portal industry had only a few years of data to compare when creating a new strategy. Many companies relied on analysts’ predictions for revenue, which may not have been accurate. The strategies ranged from ISP’s hosting portals, media company mergers with portals, and portals acquiring numerous smaller businesses. While some of the strategies seemed to make logical sense, the only two portals that created a profit in 1998 were Yahoo and AOL. The problem with many of these acquisitions and mergers was the amount of money that was being spent at the risk of their stakeholders, particularly their capital market stakeholders. For example, @Home paid $6. billion for Excite, but only a few years later, @Home filed for bankruptcy (Source). These internet service providers and portals had a first-mover advantage so they were able to gain a large market share. Increased competition brought about mergers and acquisitions which consolidated power within fewer companies, in hopes of gaining more of a competitive advantage and greater market share. A Strategy Change ? Koogle and his team were aware of the intense competition in the external environment and considered it’s options. Though they were successful and profitable, they were unsure of the future. Their strategy was basic and they had used one business plan, which never changed. They were an independent company, unlike some of their competitors. The management at Yahoo should continue observing the market and begin to create a new business and marketing plan. The portal industry is growing and becoming fiercely competitive, and with Yahoo’s main competitor Excite flaunting their slogan, â€Å"Still with the same old Yahoo? † they should consider changing their strategy. Their high stock price has allowed them to hire some of the most skilled engineers. This, along with capital has allowed them the option to either â€Å"make† or â€Å"buy† companies. Partnering with other businesses that have interest in their company such as ATT, MCI, Time Warner, and News Corporation may be good options. They also have the capital to acquire Geocities, which is another internet portal. They can also negotiate exclusive distribution deals with personal computer makers such as Compaq, Gateway, HP, and IBM in order to secure market share and increase its customer base. Yahoo should adjust their strategy because as their competitors continue to partner with other firms, their customers will likely choose to advertise with these larger companies and they risks losing millions in profits. The best option for Yahoo would be to approach News Corporation and negotiate a possible media partnership in the future. This will allow Yahoo to gain more consumers while leaving them with control of the company. It is not wise to sell because Yahoo has an estimated worth of $30 billion, and their rival Excite had just sold for less than $7 billion. (I/O) Model of Above-Average Returns Yahoo invented the internet portal industry. In 1994, the external environment of the industry was void of economies of scale and barriers to market entry. There was no need for diversification or product differentiation, and there were no other firms to compete with. Yahoo had a simple strategy that capitalized on its first-mover advantage, its access to top engineering talent in Silicon Valley, and its vision that focused on creating a user-friendly entry point for the internet. This simple strategy was sufficient for above-average returns in the early days of the industry, but as the internet evolved and industry competition increased, Yahoo realized it needed to reevaluate their position in the industry in order to continue enjoying the same above-average returns. External Environment: Several mergers and acquisitions had consolidated ISPs, portals, media companies, and content providers. Yahoo had was the only portal not in talks with a major partner. †¢ Attractive Industry: Yahoo is still the largest portal in the industry. This position makes the industry attractive, however the growing competition makes the position unsecur e. †¢ Strategy Formulation: Yahoo can no longer survive on its own. Its partnership with telecommunication giant ATT is losing strength as ATT looks to provide customers with web content, no longer needing the content provided by Yahoo. Yahoo needs to partner with traditional media companies, secure more distribution deals with computer companies, improve technologies that would enhance the speed and usability of their search engine. †¢ Assets and Skills: Yahoo has a reputation for independence and tough negotiations. Moving forward, executives will need to be able to build and maintain relationships with potential partners. Yahoo currently has access to the top engineering and management talent in Silicon Valley. Strategy Implementation: Meet with executives from telecommunication, traditional media, and personal computer companies with the goal of creating exclusive partnerships. This will boost brand recognition, increase customer base, increase market share and profitability. Building and maintaining these relationships will lead to future growth. Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns It was necessary for Yahoo to also evaluate their internal environment. Resources and capabilities were essential fo r the success of the company, as well as a competitive advantage, strategy formulation and implementation, and an attractive industry. Resources: Yahoo has the top engineering and management talent in Silicon Valley. It has a popular product with a loyal customer base. It has financial resources, a market capitalization valued at $30 billion. †¢ Capabilities: Yahoo was able to secure the position of industry leader, secure distribution deals and valuable partnerships, and create an internet portal that customers widely valued over the competition. †¢ Competitive Advantage: Internally, Yahoo’s resources and capabilities exceeds that of its competitors. Superior talent, better vision of what a portal should offer, and effective execution all contributed to Yahoo’s early success. However it needs to combine its resources and capabilities through strategic partnerships in order to maintain its competitive advantage. †¢ Attractive Industry: As the leader in the internet portal industry, Yahoo executives can exploit opportunities to merge or form partnerships with any number of major industry companies. †¢ Strategy Formulation and Implementation: Yahoo’s early success is attributed to its executives utilizing its talent, industry position, partnerships and financial resources. Management needs to direct these resources and capabilities toward strategic partnerships with traditional media and personal computer companies in order to create value-adding partnerships, boost brand recognition, increase customer base, and increase market share and profitability. Building and maintaining these relationships will lead to future growth. The use of both the I/O model and the Resource Based Model are crucial for Yahoo to analyze and use as they formulate their strategy for earning high profits. SWOT Analysis When analyzing Yahoo, it is clear that they have many strengths. One of their main strengths is their strong brand image compared to their competition. Yahoo is currently the second biggest business in the industry both in the United States and globally after Google. Also, Yahoo was the first business to enter into this new industry, with it’s portals, commonly known as search engines now. In addition, Yahoo built many strategic partnerships. These strategic partnerships were negotiated by the business development staff at Yahoo. One example of a strong strategic partnership was teaming up wit ATT in order to combine Yahoo! s services with access to the Internet. Yahoo also had a few weaknesses. Yahoo was lacking a long-term strategy, and their unwillingness to embrace the changes in the industry. They also did not offer Internet access like other portals such as AOL and MSN. The company had many opportunities. For instance, they had the opportunity to do strategic acquisitions or partnerships with other companies in order to ensure that th eir leadership will not be taken away by other companies that were involved in mergers and acquisitions. Additionally, Yahoo had the opportunity of the growing online advertising market. Expenditures for online advertising grew from $0 in 1994 to $2 billion in 1998, and they were expected to keep growing exponentially. A third opportunity that Yahoo had is to keep expanding to more countries. Yahoo had international properties in 18 countries, but there are many other countries where Yahoo can keep expanding. The threats that Yahoo was facing were the very intense competition and government regulations. As the Internet industry evolved, regulations became more strict and the government becomes more involved. References Cnet. Feb-21-2011. http://news. cnet. com/2100-1033-273689. html How to cite Yahoo Strategic Management Report, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hypothesis Testing in Fashion Designer Industry free essay sample

This is the final project for the Data Analysis for Business class. I’ve been learning how to analyze statistics and how those studies will help in predicting and deciding in business cases during this quarter. This project also gives me a chance to use what I have learned in class in real life. My project is about the growth of the number of employments in the fashion designer industry. According to the Bureau of Labor in the United States, a growth of 5% will exist in this industry by 2016. Through this project I want to prove that the prediction of the Bureau of Labor in the United States is true, and reject the hypothesis that the growth of this industry is less than 5%. 2. Body: You can add a theoretical discussion in your project†¦this is optional. But, if you want to discuss your study’s goal and basic theoretical truth behind your hypotheses, you are welcome to do that in this section. We will write a custom essay sample on Hypothesis Testing in Fashion Designer Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. Hypotheses: The industry will grow less than 5%. 4. Method: 5. 1. Data Collection: Annual wage of fashion designers by areas, May 2006 After calculating the correlation, I have to construct a confident interval of 90% and 95%. Using the t-table, the Z-table and the F-table. Which are†¦ We can say that the employment level affects the wage rates, and there is a positive correlation coefficient between wage rates and employment level. 5. 3. Findings: Discuss which hypotheses you rejected/not rejected! Discuss your finding and points that help you to support your decision! 5. Conclusion: 6. References: List the references you used in your project—possibly link and URLs! I’d like to know where you are finding the theoretical info or data!

Monday, November 25, 2019

German Compound Words Explained With Examples

German Compound Words Explained With Examples Mark Twain said the following about the length of German words:â€Å"Some German words are so long that they have a perspective.†Indeed, Germans love their long words. However, in the 1998 Rechtschreibreform, it was strongly recommended to hyphenate these Mammutwà ¶rter (mammoth words) in order to simplify their readability. One notices particularly terminology in science and the media following this trend: Software-Produktionsanleitung, Multimedia- Magazin.When reading these German mammoth words, you will recognize that they are composed of either:Noun noun (der Mà ¼lleimer  / the garbage pail)Adjective noun (die Großeltern  / grandparents)Noun adjective (luftleer  / airless)Verb stem noun (die Waschmaschine  / washing machine)Preposition noun (der Vorort  / suburb)Preposition verb (runterspringen  / to jump down)Adjective adjective (hellblau  / light blue)In some German compound words, the first word serves to describe the second word in more precis e detail, for instance, die Zeitungsindustrie (the newspaper industry.) In other compound words, each of the words are of equal value (der Radiowecker  / the radio-alarm clock.) Other long words have a meaning all of their own that is different from each of the individual words (der Nachtisch  / the dessert.) Important German Compound Rules It is the last word that determines the word type. For example:à ¼ber - preposition, reden-verbà ¼berreden verb (to persuade)The last noun of the compound word determines its gender. For exampledie Kinder das Buch das Kinderbuch (the childrens book)Only the last noun is declined. For example:das Bà ¼gelbrett - die Bà ¼gelbretter (ironing boards)Numbers are always written together. For example:Zweihundertvierundachtzigtausend (284 000)Since the 1998 Rechtschreibreform, verb verb compound words are no longer written together. So for example, kennen lernen  / to get to know. Letter Insertion in German Compounds When composing long German words, you need to sometimes insert a letter or letters. In noun noun compounds you add:-e-When the plural of the first noun adds an –e-.Die Hundehà ¼tte (der Hund - die Hunde)- er-When the first noun is either masc. or neu. and is pluralized with-er-Der Kindergarten (das Kind -die Kinder)-n-When the first noun is feminin and is pluralized –en-Der Birnenbaum  / the pear tree (die Birne - die Birnen)-s-When the first noun ends in either -heit, keit, -ungDie Gesundheitswerbung  / the health ad-s-  For some nouns that end in –s- in the genitive case.Das Suglingsgeschrei  / the newborn’s cry (des Suglings)In verbstem noun compositions, you add:-e-After many verbs that have a stem ending b, d, g, and t.Der Liegestuhl  / the lounge chair

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of the political change the United States underwent in Research Paper

Analysis of the political change the United States underwent in 2008-2011 - Research Paper Example Political Philosophy The political situation of the United States from 2008 to the present day has been shaped by the President Obama’s political philosophy. President Barrack Obama political philosophy tends towards the leftist ideology. His focus on majority of the things is based on socialism. Socialism is an ideology that consists of redistribution of wealth through taxation and government programs. His presidential campaigns were dominated by Yes We Can mantra thus, making himself the personification of hope for the American future. He was of the ideology that the grassroots movements could change United States. However, after two years of his leadership, the ingrained â€Å"national pessimism about the economy has taken a toll, and it is Republicans, seemingly poised to seize the House of Representatives† (Breitbart, 2011) and they are posing as agents of change. Republicans criticize President Obama for not delivering the changes he promised in 2008 and they asse rt that the Americans have not experienced it (Breitbart, 2011). As a presidential candidate in 2008, Obama appeared less ideological and more moderate and he vowed to unite the Republicans and Democrats under one nation. His tactics to embrace his foes in his presidency was obstructed by the staunch Republicans and thus, his appearance to the voters as a post-partisan president was largely damaged. He was forced to expose the largest government intervention to save the sinking economy; he took big chunks of the auto sectors and finance and framed stimulus package worth 800 billion dollars. President Obama implemented a social agenda with the Wall Street and health care reform; this made it easy for the Republicans to assert that Obama was eyeing a major government conquest in a country where there is deep-rooted government suspicions. Republicans argue that Obama lacks a defining political tag; he was not at ease, for example, with the politics of the New Democrat (Breitbart, 2011) . Conservatives seem him as a radical person but his followers on the left are not happy with the change because it was not as expected. Some of the liberals are not happy with Obama because he failed to endorse promises to permit gays to serve directly in the military or near the Guantanamo Bay. Others want investigations into the alleged abuses (in his war against terror) by the Bush Administration. Liberals are very disappointed with Obama and the independent voters who supported him in 2008 are joining the Republicans in large numbers (Breitbart, 2011). Thus, the popularity of Obama is diminishing on a daily basis due to his political philosophy and the failure to fulfill most of the promises he made in 2008. Economic Issues Like the other nations, United States is an exceptional to the problems associated with the economic disasters facing these nations. Majority of the people cannot see the obvious signs of the economic crisis facing the United States. The United States is no longer capable of producing what it needs in order to sustain itself. The nation imports more than it exports and it is selling off majority of its assets. To sustain its standard of living, the nation is taking huge debts; the standard of living the nation is attempting to sustain is beyond the abilities of the nation. United States is almost becoming entirely

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Education - Essay Example cer by another name does not cure cancer, there is a need to confront the eligibility problem by strengthening the supportive attitude on children with disabilities, while introducing honest-to-goodness approaches to the admission problem on special children (Howard, 2012). The Lavender Scare came along Senator McCarthy’s Red Scare which prejudged homosexuals in Federal Government to be morally depraved and likely to sell classified information to Communists. State policies and laws caused homosexuals to lose their government jobs, while repressing the gay and lesbian subculture which once flourished during the Roosevelt administration. The Lavender Scare backfired and served as the roots of the gay rights movement. Court cases gave victories to homosexuals until discrimination was finally outlawed under the Civil Service Law (Johnson, n.d.). The Obama administration set the policy allowing homosexuals in the military establishment to openly reveal their sexual orientation without losing their employment. In some states today, gays enjoy same-sex marriage rights, while women have gained the right to priestly ordination in some Churches. Sex and gender biases have started to fade away. On teacher interaction with boys and girls, researches show that boys may need more attention from educators as two-thirds of them are labeled as learning disabled, alcoholic, drug violators and juveniles. On the other hand, women rights advocates claim girls need more attention from teachers, while eliminating negative attention being given to them (Gilah, 1987). Researches continue to establish patterns for teacher interactions with boys and/or girls. Already, male teachers coach girls’ sports teams, but a TV series like Glee portrayed the bias against women teachers coaching boys’ teams. Professional attitudes among educators may yet solve the problem of bias in teacher-student gender

Monday, November 18, 2019

What evidences supports the idea that a relatively recent catastrophic Essay

What evidences supports the idea that a relatively recent catastrophic event was responsible for Saturn's rings - Essay Example As a result, a mass of debris was formed hence making up the ring (Hetcht 18). In 1852, Otto Struve discovered that there were changes in the width of the ring and there was a continuous decrease of the gap between the edge of inner ring B and the surface of the planet. The rings were approaching the surface of the planet rapidly. According to modern scientists, the deteriorating nature of rings is attributed to rains of microscopic meteorites that pelt the rings thus eroding them rapidly (Hetcht 19). Modern astronomers believe that Saturn rings contain water that evaporates from their surfaces when the micrometeorites hit them. Natural water molecules fall back on the rings while charges ions move along the magnetic field lines formed near the surface of the rings. As a result, there is presence of water precipitate adjacent to the rings. The scientific explanation behind the water molecules and its ionization show that there are real meteorites which strike the rings causing ionization of water particles. The fast evaporation and ionization of the water show that the ring was formed relatively few years ago compared to what others astronomers believe that it was formed billion years ago after a comer or moon crashed on its surface. If the rings had been formed billion years ago, there wouldn’t have been water precipitate on the surface of the rings (Hetcht

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Critical Appraisal Of Emirates Airlines Public Relations Marketing Essay

A Critical Appraisal Of Emirates Airlines Public Relations Marketing Essay Virtual public relations may be defined as the utilization of news or print media to publicize the positive image of our company and its product and services along with its business operations methodology; it also includes creating and developing good relationships with local media representatives, customers and community. History: Emirates Airlines commenced its business operations in the year 1985, with the financial resources of $10 million and machinery resources of 2 rented aircraft. The formation of a company was the response of Gulf Air towards its cut back business operations. Its maiden flight commenced towards Karachi on 25th October 1985. Emirates Airlines created a remarkable record by earning maximum profit within 9 months of its business operations. New destinations have been supplemented by Emirates which includes Bombay, Cairo, Colombo, and Dhaka. After the end of two years it enhanced its destination to Europe commencing with London. Apart from them enormous destinations have been added by Emirates in rapid progression. Mission and Vision: Emirates Mission includes sustaining and maintaining the consistent growth of its business with a growth rate of 20% in the upcoming years. The Vision of Emirates is to create and sustain the market leadership which seems ahead of conservative track. Brief Description of Emirates Airlines: Emirates Airlines is the part of the Emirates Group, a leading group of UAE having its global presence in worldwide markets with an impressive brand image in the field of travel and tourism and aviation. The hub of Emirates Airlines is situated at the International Airport in Dubai and its group is possessed by the Government of Dubai. It is operated as the national airlines of Dubai and UAE. It has 2400 passenger flights per week providing services to the worldwide passenger to reach their destination. It is the top most airlines of the Middle East, winning maximum awards for its augmented business operations and services. Figure : Organizational Structure of Emirates Airlines: Media Relations of Emirates Airlines: Media relations helped a lot to keep the Emirates Airlines in the worlds media headlines. During the last year, the company has invested more than US$ 187.7 million for over 40600 media articles which is equivalent to the value invested for the advertisements. With the help of such investment, the company approached a great customer reach and media analysis shows that customer coverage gives an overwhelming and positive response. Emirates Airlines first A380 aircraft have grabbed the great media attention globally even though the Emirates airline is not the first airline to launch such aircraft. The renounce ceremony in Hamburg witnessed more than 800 journalists and celebrities. Through this ceremony, the media relations of the Emirates Airlines have received the global reach through interviews with the higher authorities of the company and the key aviation writers who have experienced the product and services of such new and innovative aircraft. During the six month campaign of such launch and renouncement, the company has received more than 1000 media requests to provide the information and images of the newly innovative product. Due to these strong media relations of the company, more than 1000 aviation and lifestyle writers have experienced the services of the newly launched product and provide their positive feedback by awarding it as a next generation aviation technology and travel comforts through such media only which ultimately affect the global customer reach and helps to attract more and more potential customers. The opening of new Emirates terminal 3 at the Dubai International Airport was spread among the advisories and travelers through these strong media relations of the company. Media relations emphasized various aspects of the new terminal in order to enhance the features to the customers which attracted a vast potential customer range towards the products and services of the company. In order to strengthen the Media Relations, the company organizes media tours, video recording and photography opportunities for various journalists in every six months. Besides the main news of the company, the global media relations also provides the media coverage to the launch of various other destinations of the company in all over the global market which attracts the potential customers towards the five star best airlines of the world. Media relations also support various other differentiated products of the company such as luxury hotels through public relations strategy and they also provide media support for facilitating its portfolio to other hotels. The internal awareness team of the company has launched a new interactive group world which keeps watch over the internal campaigns through integrating all the channels of communication including media relations which provides strength to the company to enhance the customer reach. Community Relations of Emirates Airlines: Community relations include the social responsibility of the company towards the stakeholders which affects the success of the company a lot. With the advent of liberalization of traffic rights, the Emirates Airlines have developed a new department of public affairs and government engagements. The department of public affairs launches a campaign in order to help the company in lowering down the air passenger duty by the UK government. It had launched a new publication which shares the airline industry news and related international policy news. This feature is also added to the website of the company. Industry affairs are trying its level best to represent the Emirates airlines at the IATA agency and services conference in relation to both the passengers and the cargo operations. The Company also has joined the Billing and Settlement Plans with 99 other countries. The industry affairs initiate the web sales through the industrial banks facilitated by the travel agents and thus adopt the IATA resolution changes. The environmental affairs launch various environmental policies which tend to make the Emirates Airlines as the most Eco friendly airlines of the world. The ever largest single recycling program is the part of such projects which tends to collect thousands tones of paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum from the various buildings concerned with the company. Consumer Relations of Emirates Airlines: Consumer relations are very essential for any company in order to satisfy them with the product and services through resolution of their problems and complaints and make them the loyal customer for the future course of time. For enhancing the consumer relations, Emirates Airlines have separate Customer Affairs and Service Audit (CASA) centers at various locations of each destination which understand and resolves customer problems and complaints. Last year, CASA continued to be decentralized by opening a new office in Johannesburg, Osaka, Hong Kong, and Tehran which adds the strong network to the existing CASA centers at UK/Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand and India. The development of such network helped the company in handling the complaints of the customers as it has shown 50 percent improvement in solving out such problems. This center helps the customers to be dealt with concern at the local level itself and their problems get solved more effectively than earlier. Due to this service improvement in handling problems, 66 % reduction in Baggage Claim Processing has been observed. The company is planning to develop the training and development plan for the CASA employees so as to improve their skills in handling the customer problems more efficiently and effectively. The Knowledge Portal will support such plan in order to share the related data and information. CASA shows an empathetic, caring and personalized behavior towards solving the customer problems and complaints and providing full support to the customers to satisfy their expected standards and quality to make them loyal customer for the products and services of the company. In order to sustain the growth, quality standards and reputation of the company, the Service Audit Team continuously controls and monitors the standards of products and services. The Mystery Shopper team of the company monitors and evaluates the contribution of the staff towards maintaining the expectations of the customers. Service Audit evaluates all the customer services regularly in order to deal with the customers more effectively. These services involve service delivery, airport services, skywards, and the call centers operated worldwide to solve the customer problems. Discussion: Though the public relations of Emirates Airlines impact a lot on the international media and the potential customers yet the company PR need to adopt various changes as per the requirement of competitive environment in order to take the full competitive advantage of the global international market. Though the company has the strong media relations which provide a great exposure to every event held in the company and the company also provides great opportunities of news and events to the media yet there are various changes which are yet to be implemented. These changes involve the use of social media for strengthening the media relations of the company. Now a day most of the companies are using social media such as Facebook, twitter, MySpace and various other social networking sites in order to have great exposure from the customers and the media. The same development is applied to the customer handling departments, to provide ease to the customers for communicating their problems and complaints, most of the companies are now taking help of social networking sites and the internet which is the quick and easy means of communication nowadays. The community relationships such as social events and other environmental initiatives are now being spread and run through the social networking sites by various companies. In this relation the Emirates Airlines are lacking as it is not using the easiest and the renowned means of public relations and communication. Though the company is developing various kiosks to handle the customer requests, problems and complaints, though it is taking various environmental and industry affairs initiatives, though it is providing various opportunities of media exposure, yet it needs to use the social networking sites as the strongest and prominent means of public relations in order to strengthen the orga nization efficiently and effectively. In relation to customer problem and complaints handling, the initiative of the company to run CASA ad providing training to the employees to solve the problems and complaints of customer effectively is really appreciable as compared to the other companies of the same industry. The media opportunities and other community development initiatives of the company are remarkable and appreciable in relation to fulfilling the corporate social responsibility. Conclusion: Â  Public Relations play a very prominent role in maintaining good rapport with the customers, media and community. Public relation helps in spreading information regarding the company to the target group of customers. It serves as the most cost effective tools of promotion which helps with the publicity of the companys products and services. The information publicizes through public relation are comparatively effective on a long term basis and on the large geographical areas in comparison to other promotional tools and techniques. Emirates Mission includes sustaining and maintaining the consistent growth of its business with a growth rate of 20% in the upcoming years. The Vision of Emirates is to create and sustain the market leadership which seems ahead of conservative track. The Public Relation of Emirates Airlines with the customers, media and community prove to be very helpful in the accomplishment of its aforementioned mission and vision and it is also the secret behind its success and market dominance in UAE. In relation to Public relations department, the company is doing well and most of its initiative is appreciable yet there are various changes and updating as per the competitive environment which are needed to be adopted and applied in order to have pace with the changing business environment.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Song of Roland Essay

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Song of Roland In mythological Europe, knightly heroes abounded whereever one could choose to roam. There are hundreds of tales of knights who embodied the concept of chivalry, slew huge dragons, slew legions of foes in single combat, and still made it home in time for dinner. Of all these tales, ballads and poems, a few have risen to the fore front of the genre as an example for the rest of the stories to follow. I will be comparing the positive and negative personality traits of two heroes from the famous poems "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "The Song of Roland." On the lighter side, both Gawain and Roland had more positive attributes than they did negative. Both men were honorable, almost to a fault. For example in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Gawain agreed to be on time for his own execution: "Nor I know you not, knight, your name nor your court. But tell me truly thereof, and teach me your name, and I shall fare forth to find you, so far as I may, and this I say in good certain, and swear upon oath." (G&GK, pt.1, ln. 400-403) Gawain's agreement might have been honorable, but it doesn't strike me ... ...ght when it came to politics, apparently. All of these attributes might be considered undesirable in a knight. Though the characteristics of honor, fearlessness, and poor people skills might seem to be perfect for a knight, a perfect hero just doesn't seem realistic to a listener or a reader with out some sort of a vice or flaw. It makes them seem closer and more human to who the reader. This is important to a good story, simply because if a hero is totally unbelievable the ballad becomes more of a tall tale or a story to be laughed at. And while it might be fun to laugh at a "B" ballad every once in awhile, it just doesn't compare to a good action plot line. As a result, Gawain and Roland each flaws. Roland's just happens to be terminal.