Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Song of Roland Essay

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Song of Roland In mythological Europe, knightly heroes abounded whereever one could choose to roam. There are hundreds of tales of knights who embodied the concept of chivalry, slew huge dragons, slew legions of foes in single combat, and still made it home in time for dinner. Of all these tales, ballads and poems, a few have risen to the fore front of the genre as an example for the rest of the stories to follow. I will be comparing the positive and negative personality traits of two heroes from the famous poems "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "The Song of Roland." On the lighter side, both Gawain and Roland had more positive attributes than they did negative. Both men were honorable, almost to a fault. For example in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Gawain agreed to be on time for his own execution: "Nor I know you not, knight, your name nor your court. But tell me truly thereof, and teach me your name, and I shall fare forth to find you, so far as I may, and this I say in good certain, and swear upon oath." (G&GK, pt.1, ln. 400-403) Gawain's agreement might have been honorable, but it doesn't strike me ... ...ght when it came to politics, apparently. All of these attributes might be considered undesirable in a knight. Though the characteristics of honor, fearlessness, and poor people skills might seem to be perfect for a knight, a perfect hero just doesn't seem realistic to a listener or a reader with out some sort of a vice or flaw. It makes them seem closer and more human to who the reader. This is important to a good story, simply because if a hero is totally unbelievable the ballad becomes more of a tall tale or a story to be laughed at. And while it might be fun to laugh at a "B" ballad every once in awhile, it just doesn't compare to a good action plot line. As a result, Gawain and Roland each flaws. Roland's just happens to be terminal.

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