Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Children With A Single Parent Home - 1689 Words

Today children that are raised in a single parent home are viewed differently than those who have both parents when being raised. Many think that having both parents at home is very important and the ideal family. â€Å"In the world today more than a third of the population is being raised with only a mother. These calculations have doubled over time and keeps growing as the days go on (Anderson, 2013).† Some say that being raised by only one parent is impossible, but by statistics it is proven wrong. It is more common for children to be raised with only one parent than it is for them to have both parents under one roof. Many parents get divorced, or one gets deathly sick or passes away. Others just leave there children because they don’t want them or simply can’t provide for the child. Children grow emotionally stable and well off whether they have one or two parents at home to show them how life goes and the right paths to take. There are many problems and chal lenges when a child is raised by only one parent versus having both a mother and a father. Does a child need both parents to live in the society we have today? Does a single parent get any help when raising a child alone? When researching and gathering evidence this topic has become an intriguing argument all around the world today. What do you really need when raising a child properly? When properly raising a child it doesn’t really matter how the structure of the family is, it should be based on the values and moralsShow MoreRelatedChildren Living From Single Parent Homes2148 Words   |  9 PagesChildren Living in Single Parent Homes Living life as a single parent can be a difficult task. You must be a good role model for both mother and father perspectives. Society portrays the perfect family on television as a family consisting of both the mother and father. However, they fail to show the effects when one of the parents is not present. 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It has been found that children in single-parent homes generally fare worse than those in homes with two parents. In today’s single pare ntRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency and Single Parent Homes1345 Words   |  6 Pagesamp; Single Parent Homes Juvenile delinquency and single parent homes is an important topic in today’s society given the fact that more and more children are growing up in a home without one parent, whether it be the mother or the father. After all the rate of divorce for first time marriages in America is about 56% and many children growing up sometimes do not even know one parent, typically the father. I chose the subject of juvenile delinquency and single parent homes becauseRead MoreTraditional Families Vs Single Parent Families1615 Words   |  7 Pagesfamilies versus single parent families. A traditional family household is a household with two parents, mother and father. A single parent family household is a one parent household a mother, or father. 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